Planos – Canção e Louvor

Check Out: Mp3 Download Planos By Canção e Louvor

Artist: Lázaro e Eduardo 

Song Title: Planos

Genre: Gospel, Christian 

Album: Planos

Year: 2023

Song Type: Mp3 & Video


Title: “Planos By Canção e Louvor: An Uplifting Christian Song for Times of Uncertainty”

The inspiring song “Planos” by Canção e Louvor, recently released, has deeply touched the hearts of many believers around the world. Christian music has the incredible power to bring comfort and hope to those who are struggling.

Released on March 24, 2023, “Planos” is a beautiful and uplifting song that reminds us of God’s faithfulness and love. The lyrics are a powerful testimony of the goodness of God and his unending grace, even in the midst of trials and uncertainties.

To sum up, “Planos” by Canção e Louvor is an amazing, inspiring Christian song that is sure to bring positivity and motivation to anyone who hears it. Its meaningful words and passionate singing remind us of God’s never-ending love and reliability. May this song be a source of solace and aspiration for those who need it.



Download Mp3/Audio Here


Download Planos By Canção e Louvor On GospelViz Media for free 



Os teus planos são melhores

Teus caminhos mais altos que os meus
Eu faço planos , eu tenho sonhos
Mas todos eles hoje eu te entrego Deus

O projeto está traçado
Mas dependo do Senhor pra aprovar
Eu faço planos, eu tenho sonhos
Mas sem ti Senhor não saio do lugar

A resposta vem, de quem nunca vai errar
Tu já sabes o final e eu escolho confiar
Pois se tem tua direção prosperará

Eu Entrego, eu confio, eu descanso, meu Deus sabe o que faz
Eu entrego, eu confio, os teus planos não se frustrarão jamais

Canção e Louvor – Planos ( Vídeo Oficial ) Estações

About Avalumun 7302 Articles
Adaa Moses Avalumun is a passionate and potent Kingdom blogger and Freelancer, who is a Nigerian by Birth. Moses is delighted in listening to gospel songs, and praying. Currently, Moses resides in Lafia, Nasarawa State, Nigeria.