Hannah – Joyfull Praise Choir

Artist: Joyfull Praise Choir 

Song Title: Hannah

Genre: Christian 

Album: Season Two

Total Tracks NO: 16

Duration: 8:41 Minutes

Released Year: 2019

Country: Zimbabwe

Joyful Praise Choir’s “Hannah” from the “Season Two” album is a captivating Christian song that resonates with spiritual depth. The artist’s Zimbabwean roots are evident in the rich cultural influences present in the music. With a total of 16 tracks in the album, “Hannah” stands out as a powerful piece that showcases the choir’s commitment to delivering uplifting and soul-stirring content.

Clocking in at 8:41 minutes, “Hannah” provides listeners with an immersive experience, allowing them to engage with the message and melody on a profound level. The song’s extended duration suggests a deliberate intention to create a worshipful atmosphere, inviting individuals to connect with their faith. Released in 2019, the track’s timeless quality ensures its relevance, and its incorporation into the “Season Two” album adds to the overall impact of Joyful Praise Choir’s musical journey.

As a Christian genre piece, “Hannah” likely draws inspiration from biblical narratives, potentially telling the story of Hannah from the Old Testament. The song’s title implies a connection to a woman of great faith, adding layers of meaning to the composition. Overall, Joyful Praise Choir’s meticulous creation and presentation of “Hannah” contribute to the collective spiritual tapestry found within the “Season Two” album, making it a noteworthy addition to the world of Christian music.



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Hannah Lyrics By Joyfull Praise Choir

CHECK ALSO:  Mo Yesu Mo - E'mPraise Inc
About Avalumun 6053 Articles
Adaa Moses Avalumun is a passionate and potent Kingdom blogger and Freelancer, who is a Nigerian by Birth. Moses is delighted in listening to gospel songs, and praying. Currently, Moses resides in Lafia, Nasarawa State, Nigeria.