Give Thanks / Thank you LORD – Zimpraise

Check Out: Mp3 Download Give Thanks / Thank you LORD By Zimpraise

Artist: Zimpraise

Song Title: Give Thanks / Thank you LORD 

Genre: Gospel, Christian 

Album: Give Thanks / Thank you LORD 

Year: 2023

Song Type: Mp3 & Video


Title: Giving Thanks to the Lord: How Zimpraise Captures the Heartfelt Gratitude of a Worshipper

As followers of Christianity, it’s our duty to show appreciation to the Lord for everything He has done for us, regardless of our circumstances. The Zimbabwean gospel choir Zimpraise eloquently portrays this sentiment in their song “Give Thanks/Thank You Lord.”

Released on April 9th, 2023, the song is a powerful reminder of the importance of giving thanks to God in all circumstances. The choir harmoniously sing, “Give thanks with a grateful heart, give thanks to the Holy One, give thanks because He’s given Jesus, Christ His Son.” These lyrics are a reminder of the ultimate sacrifice that Jesus made for us.

The tune emphasizes that we should constantly demonstrate appreciation to God through our daily routines. As they sing, “Give thanks to Him in the morning, give thanks in the noontime, give thanks in the evening, give thanks at any time” – putting an emphasis that no matter what’s occurring we ought to remember our gratefulness towards Him.



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Download Give Thanks / Thank you LORD By Zimpraise On GospelViz Media for free 



About Avalumun 7303 Articles
Adaa Moses Avalumun is a passionate and potent Kingdom blogger and Freelancer, who is a Nigerian by Birth. Moses is delighted in listening to gospel songs, and praying. Currently, Moses resides in Lafia, Nasarawa State, Nigeria.