Mewo Yesu – The New Song

Check Out: Mp3 Download Mewo Yesu By The New Song

Artist: The New Song

Song Title: Mewo Yesu

Genre: Gospel, Christian 

Album: Mewo Yesu

Year: 2023

Song Type: Mp3 & Video


Title: Say Mewo Yesu By The New Song: A Powerful Worship Anthem

The New Song’s recently announced single, “Say Mewo Yesu,” is a strong worship song that is to say certain to inflame an air of praise in some assemblage. With allure inspirational book, desirous melody sung or played with musical instrument, and an anthemic result, this chorus will encourage allure hearers to lift their voices in worship to the Lord. Whether you are in a allied worship duty or just warbling in your pickup, this verse will influence a powerful notice of the capacity and grace of God.

The title of the anthem, “Say Mewo Yesu,” emanates a phrase in the Akan style, that interprets to “God is reliable.” With this as the endowment of allure verse, the air continues to mention us of the love and grace of God, and His devotion to us in each condition. The tune rejoices God’s decency and kindness, and it is a keepsake that He is accompanying us forever, what He will never leave us.

The New Song has constituted a alluring and effective worship song bound for certain to strengthen and elevate allure hearers. So if you’re expect a anthem to influence a deeper relation to God, or just a warning of His devotion, “Say Mewo Yesu” for one New Song is the perfect anthem for you.



Download Mp3/Audio Here


Download Mewo Yesu By The New Song GospelViz Media for free 



me nya wiase niema nyinara
(if i gain the whole world)
na me hwere Yesu a ma’ hwere ade nyina
(and if i lose Jesus , then I’ve lost everything)
me wo Yesu a me wo ade nyina
( if i have Jesus i have everything)
oso mpo kyen ade nyina
(He’s greater than everything else)
me wo yesu a; me wo yesu a;
(if i have Jesus)
me wo yesu a; me wo ade nyina
(if i have Jesus, i have everything)
aawoo Yesu ei ohene Yesu
(oh Jesus, King Jesus)
osombo kyen ade nyinaa
(He’s greater than everything)

verse 2
osoro ne asaase yefo ne Yesu
(Jesus is the maker of heaven and earth)
ono na okura ade nyinaa mu
(He holds everything in his hand)
ade nyinaa hye ne nsa
(He has the whole world in His hand)
me wo Yesu a me wo ade nyinaa
(if i have Jesus, i have everythin

About Avalumun 7303 Articles
Adaa Moses Avalumun is a passionate and potent Kingdom blogger and Freelancer, who is a Nigerian by Birth. Moses is delighted in listening to gospel songs, and praying. Currently, Moses resides in Lafia, Nasarawa State, Nigeria.