Holy – Jesus Image | Steffany Gretzinger

Check Out: Mp3 Download Holy By Jesus Image | Steffany Gretzinger

Artist: Jesus Image

Song Title: Holy

Genre: Gospel, Christian

Album: Holy

Year: 2023

Song Type: Mp3 & Video


Title: “Worship in Holiness – Reflecting on Jesus Image’s ‘Holy'”

We all long for an encounter with the Lord, but it’s not always easy to find a way to express our worship. Thankfully, Jesus Image has blessed us with a powerful and evocative song titled “Holy,” released on January 6, 2023. As we reflect on this piece of music, we can find a way to enter into a deeper level of worship and holiness.

The lyrics continue, “We stand in awe of Your perfect love, Your mercy and Your grace.” This phrase draws us into the mystery and beauty of God’s love. We are invited to stand in awe, and to receive the grace that God freely offers. “We lift our hands, we bow our hearts and give You all the praise.” As we lift our hands and bow our hearts, we offer a response of praise to our Creator. We recognize that no one is worthy of such love and grace, but that God gives it to us anyway. 



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About Avalumun 7302 Articles
Adaa Moses Avalumun is a passionate and potent Kingdom blogger and Freelancer, who is a Nigerian by Birth. Moses is delighted in listening to gospel songs, and praying. Currently, Moses resides in Lafia, Nasarawa State, Nigeria.