KUMUSARABA – Vestine & Dorcas

Artist: Vestine and Dorcas


Genre: Christian


Total Tracks NO: 1

Duration: 6:22 Minutes

Released Year: 2023


“Kumusaraba” by Vestine and Dorcas is a Christian song that carries a profound message. With a duration of six minutes and twenty-two seconds, the song provides listeners with an extended musical journey. The album, also titled “Kumusaraba,” features a single track, emphasizing the significance of this particular composition. Released in 2023, the song reflects the artists’ commitment to delivering impactful content within the Christian genre.

The title “Kumusaraba” suggests a theme related to the cross, aligning with the spiritual focus often found in Christian music. Vestine and Dorcas’s decision to dedicate an entire album to this single track underscores the importance of the message they aim to convey. The duration of the song allows for a thorough exploration of musical and lyrical elements, creating a space for listeners to engage deeply with the spiritual and worshipful essence of “Kumusaraba.” In the realm of Christian music, Vestine and Dorcas contribute to the genre’s richness, providing a piece that invites listeners into a meaningful and reflective experience.


Download Mp3/Audio Here


KUMUSARABA Lyrics By Vestine and Dorcas

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About Avalumun 6119 Articles
Adaa Moses Avalumun is a passionate and potent Kingdom blogger and Freelancer, who is a Nigerian by Birth. Moses is delighted in listening to gospel songs, and praying. Currently, Moses resides in Lafia, Nasarawa State, Nigeria.