Check Out: Mp3 Download UMEKETI (You Are Seated) By Dr Ipyana
Artist: Dr Ipyana
Song Title: UMEKETI (You Are Seated)
Genre: Gospel, Christian
Album: UMEKETI (You Are Seated)
Year: 2020
Song Type: Mp3 & Video
Title: “UmekeTi (You Are Seated): A Powerful Worship Song of Praise and Adoration”
The worship song UmekeTi (You Are Seated) by Dr. Ipyana, which was released on October 9, 2020, is a gorgeous and passionate expression of adoration. The lyrics of the song serve as a reminder of God’s might and His trustworthiness. The music of the song is an uplifting and inspirational fusion of traditional African beats and modern gospel sound, while the lyrics of the song reflect the heart of worship.
The song begins with an adoration prayer that praises God for His majesty and strength. The chorus serves as an affirmation of God’s faithfulness and a reminder of our need for faith and trust in Him. The song acknowledges God’s might and rule, proclaiming that He is sitting at the Father’s right side.
The lyrics of the song point to the hope and promises of God, and the assurance that He is always with us. The song is a reminder that we can always look to God and trust in Him, no matter what we are facing in life.
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