Hallowed – Joyous Celebration

Artist:  Joyous Celebration

Song Title: Hallowed

Genre: Christian

Album: Joyous Celebration 22 (All For You)

Total Tracks NO: 32

Duration: 9:27 Minutes

Released Year: 2018

Country: South Africa

“Hallowed,” a captivating Christian composition by Joyous Celebration, is a standout track from their album “Joyous Celebration 22 (All For You),” released in 2018. With a duration of 9 minutes and 27 seconds, the song provides an immersive and spiritually uplifting experience. This South African gospel ensemble, renowned for its ability to infuse traditional musical elements with contemporary Christian themes, delivers a compelling message through “Hallowed.”

As part of the 32-track album, “Hallowed” contributes to the ensemble’s mission of creating a diverse and rich collection of worship songs. Released in South Africa, the song’s resonance extends globally, touching the hearts of believers with its harmonious blend of music and profound lyrics. Joyous Celebration’s “Hallowed” stands as a testament to the group’s dedication to producing soul-stirring gospel music that transcends borders and resonates with the universal themes of reverence and devotion.



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Hallowed Lyrics By Joyous Celebration

CHECK ALSO:  Ndenzel' Uncedo Hymn 377 - Joyous Celebration
About Avalumun 6081 Articles
Adaa Moses Avalumun is a passionate and potent Kingdom blogger and Freelancer, who is a Nigerian by Birth. Moses is delighted in listening to gospel songs, and praying. Currently, Moses resides in Lafia, Nasarawa State, Nigeria.