Te Esperamos – Salvaon

Check Out: Mp3 Download Te Esperamos By Salvaon

Artist: Salvaon

Song Title: Te Esperamos

Genre: Gospel, Christian 

Album: Te Esperamos

Year: 2023

Song Type: Mp3 & Video


Title: “Te Esperamos by Salvaon: An Uplifting Anthem of Hope and Expectation”

Hello, fellow music aficionados! We are thrilled to experience the profound sounds of Salvaon’s extraordinary song, “Te Esperamos”. Released on August 26th, 2022, this powerful song has caused an uproar in the Christian music industry, eliciting sentiments of trust, expectation, and trustworthiness in the Lord’s constancy.

Salvaon’s “Te Esperamos” is a powerful reminder of the spiritual truths that can be expressed through music. Its meaningful lyrics, captivating melodies, and stirring harmonies spark a flame of hope in our hearts. Even when facing challenges and uncertainty, this song encourages us to stay hopeful and trust in God’s faithfulness, as He will always fulfill His promises.

As we come to the end of our exploration of this encouraging hymn, let us absorb the significance of “Te Esperamos” and let its purpose stay with us. May it motivate us to rely on God’s timing, stay devoted to His guarantees, and eagerly anticipate the realization of His plans for us. Let the words of this delightful song remain a constant reminder that if we wait on the Lord, He will restore our strength and direct us to a future full of His grace.



Download Mp3/Audio Here


Download Te Esperamos By Salvaon On GospelViz Media for free 



A Luz do sol se apagou
O amor se entregou
Naquela cruz

A morte não pode entender
Como ele pode vencer
Aquela cruz

Mas ao terceiro dia
O amor se levantou
Da morte ressurgiu
Pra sempre

Estamos reunidos
Levantamos nossas mãos
Cantamos aleluia

Ele venceu a morte
Ressuscitou em glória
Ele vem, te esperamos

Maranata ora vem

About Avalumun 7341 Articles
Adaa Moses Avalumun is a passionate and potent Kingdom blogger and Freelancer, who is a Nigerian by Birth. Moses is delighted in listening to gospel songs, and praying. Currently, Moses resides in Lafia, Nasarawa State, Nigeria.